Online language courses:

Want to learn a new foreign language?

What the Course Contains

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  • Vocabulary

    All the words you need for everyday use, practiced until you know it with instant recall. The vocabulary module infuses more than 2000 words from more than 100 different topics into your brain.


  • Pronunciation

    Practice your pronunciation in private before you try it out on the 'natives'. Listen to your own pronunciation as many times as you wish.

  • Grammar

    You actually need less grammar than you think, but a bit is quite useful. Included are some select grammar videos that teach you the minimum you need to know.


  • Games

    Interactive games like Unscramble, Game Show, and Four Square infuses and reviews the language while you have fun.

Mobile App

A vocabulary-app for iPhone and Android is included in the course to let you continue language learning throughout the day.


  Download MP3-files
Working with concentrated attention on vocabulary is important, reading and listening at the same time, but sometimes all you have is time to listen, like when cleaning the house, going for a walk or driving a car. Then you can download the MP3-files to your phone and use time that is otherwise lost.


When you are done with a unit in the course, you can download a PDF certificate, documenting your progress with the language.

What Customers Say